Can I use PeopleFinders for screening employees or tenants?
Can I use PeopleFinders for screening employees or tenants?
PeopleFinders is not a Consumer Reporting Agency (CRA), so you cannot use information on PeopleFinders to screen for employment, tenancy, credit, or other purpose governed by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). The FCRA is a federal law created to regulate credit agencies' collection and reporting of consumers' personal data.
Permissible Use
What can you use PeopleFinders for? You can use our site to lookup information about:
- Yourself
- Family
- Friends
- Parents of your kids' friends
- A potential date
- Neighbors
- Sex offenders
- Buyers or sellers
- Unknown phone numbers
For more information on how you can and cannot use PeopleFinders and the data you find, be sure to read our "Do's and Don'ts."